Why Us

We Provide Plagiarism-Free Papers

Each paper you receive is scanned by anti-plagiarism software. This software provides you with accurate plagiarism report. You just need to order such an option and we will send you a plagiarism report proving the authenticity of your work.

  • Totally customized writing style
  • Post samples of your writing and obtain a custom paper close to your writing style
  • Complete security guarantee
  • No reselling and on-line publishing
  • 24/7/365 Customer Support
  • PrimeWritings.com provides perfectly tailored papers

We Are Always There for You!

Most of the custom writing companies available today provide 24/7 customer service. Unfortunately, in most cases no one allows you to have a chat or telephone talk with their Customer Support. PrimeWritings.com offers you professional assistance with your order. We provide round-the-clock service to our customers. All the questions concerning discount issues, or project updates are fully answered in a matter of minutes.

Additional Value

Our company gives you more than you pay for. Each essay, research paper, term paper or online dissertation is carefully scanned for plagiarism. It is done with the help of up-to-date plagiarism detection software. You will be also provided with a plagiarism report with your order (if you order such an option).

We properly assess the quality of your work before delivering it to you.

Today it is not hard to receive an essay from any professional custom essay writing company. With all our respect to our competitors we should note - not all writing companies are professional. Let us show you the difference between our competitors and us.

Many companies do no control the writing process. With us, every customer is given a privilege to control the implementation of his order personally. PrimeWritings.com will give you the advantage of having direct contact with your writers. You can keep an eye on the development of the project.

When working with other custom writing essay companies, you are not assured of meeting deadlines. On the contrary, we always we always strive to meet customers' deadlines. We have special discounts for those very rare cases when the order was delayed. There might be some rare cases of late order delivery because of technical problems, incorrect contact information in your order form, or if the order has not been verified by the client or our specialists is waiting for essential order guidelines, without which the order cannot be completed. Another important issue is compliance with your style. We make good use of research books, and our writers always make sure that your paper is comparable to the topics covered in class. We even suggest you the language options - UK and US English. At PrimeWritings.com, you can hire editors to proofread your assignments to make sure that the papers do not contain any grammatical or formatting errors.

Our pricing policy is the golden counterpoise - moderate pricing plus high-level writing. Other companies simply charge for a single project. PrimeWritings.com offers multiple pricing options depending on your academic level, timeframe, number of pages, and order type.

  • Top quality custom paper
  • Plagiarism report
  • Private account
  • Discounts
  • Affiliate program

You can be often overpriced when using the services of other companies, since hidden charges for delivery and revisions are included in your bill. We charge only quoted prices and even suggest you numerous discounts. By the way, haven't you heard about our affiliate program yet? Bring your friend to us and save even more!

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Constant Order Status Check

We give you a great option of managing the writing process by yourself. With the help of your private account you can always keep an eye on your order status. You are welcome to contact the writer working on your essay, research paper, term paper or online dissertation at your convenience. You can get in touch with your writer via our message system to provide the required clarifications or ask for updates regarding the order progress. It is easy to see yourself that your paper will be finished within your timeframe. You are also welcome to contact our support team available 24/7.

Quality of the paper always depends on your scraps, instructions and writer's ability to combine all these factors in the appropriate way. We adjust the writing to your style. We will create the paper matching your writing skills. You can be sure that you will receive a perfect work.

Try us today to get perfect services at a reasonable price!

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