Our Services

PrimeWritings.com Writing Services guarantee quality writing and timely submission of any academic paper. Apart from standard academic writing like papers, dissertations, assignment and coursework writing, we also excel in producing articles, web content, resumes, admission essays, grant applications and business research papers.

Ordering an Academic Paper Is as Easy as a Pie!

  • Order submission

To place an order, you need to fill an online inquiry form. Once the payment transaction is completed, your order is available to our writers. Your order is forwarded to our staff writer who is the most experienced in your subject. Your custom order will be completed within the given timeframe.

  • Proceed with the payment

The deadline for your order is calculated from the moment your payment is made. Once it is received, the writer starts working on your paper. We assure you of receiving high quality writing and providing additional guarantees.

We also make sure that our customers are protected from any suspicious activity on the web. You may be asked to confirm your identity by a Billing department representative.

  • Check your e-mail for the order confirmation and save your account information for future reference

Once your order is submitted, you will receive the letter confirming your information. It will contain all the relevant data. Make sure to save your private account details.

  • Login to your account to get additional information on your order processing or communicate with the writer/support

Your order updates will be posted once available. Check your e-mail regularly. You are welcome to communicate with your writer and discuss any questions related to your order using our messaging system.

  • Download your paper from the e-mail we send

With the deadline approaching, check your e-mail often to get the link to the fulfilled order. Then you may choose from two options. You may either download your paper from our site, i.e. client's personal account, or get it as an attachment to the e-mail. If there is one file it will be sent in the doc extension. In case there are several attached files, they will be sent in the archive.

  • Fill in our customer satisfaction survey to provide us with some feedback

We value your opinion above all. We will greatly appreciate if you give us some feedback on our work. You are also entitled to get an absolutely free revision during 2 days after the order delivery if it does not meet your initial requirements. This option is available only if your  order requirements have not changed. For lengthy papers (20+ pages), a free revision option is available during the whole month after order completion.

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Wealth of Experience and Considerable Capabilities

For years, our custom writing service has conformed to the highest writing standards and specifications.

What We Guarantee

If for any reason you find our writing or editing services unsatisfactory, your paper will be revised at no extra cost according to your initial specifications. Please note this option is available within 48 hours of your order delivery and is only applicable if your requirements have not changed during the writing process. If you do not approve the revised version and think that our writer still has not managed to follow your instructions closely, you can ask for a refund within 14 days after the order has been completed. Please do not forget to state the reasons for a refund i.e. point out paper flaws.

Contact us today and let us bring you the best of sample term papers, sample essays, CV samples, article samples etc.  based on question interpretation, research, planning, and note making. PrimeWritings.com writing services is a sure way to increase your writing and thinking skills.

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