Custom «Evaluate Internal Efficiency and Effectiveness of Qantas Airways» Essay Paper Sample

Evaluate Internal Efficiency and Effectiveness of Qantas Airways

For the Qantas airways to be effective and efficient in its internal operations, it had to focus on specific departments. One of these departments is, the safety management, which is aimed at ensuring safety for its clients and workers. To achieve this, Qantas had to implement and maintain a safety management that is formal. This was achieved by ensuring its system meets both the international and national regulations by having its management system standardized and integrated. The system also adopted a world leading approach which is expected to contribute to strong health, safety, risk, management and security outcomes (Direct, 2009). This is an overarching approach that has enabled the Qantas airways to be effective and efficient in its operations enabling the company to meet its business obligation in a way that is consistent. To increase its efficiency, the monitoring of the safety performance is being done across all areas.

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In its operations, Qantas airways has included the latest technologies such as programs on flight data analysis, making it a mandated requirement. Such programs enable the company to download extensive data on all its flights and to go ahead in analyzing and checking on issues such as pilot training and potential safety. This will help the management to analyze data from every flight on daily basis so that it is better placed to identify possible trends and settle for appropriate actions. The airline brags of enjoying at least fifteen years of experience in flight data system and it being regarded as the world’s leading Air Company in this area. To strengthen its internal operation, the company has invested more than $1.1 billion dollars in the implementation of enhanced screening measures (Icon Group Lt, 2000). The enhancements include explosive trace detection and X-ray screening for checking and carrying on the baggage. The company has also checked on its ports by employing personnel that ensure additional security measures. CCTV technologies have been installed ensuring a sophisticated network with more than 1500 cameras operating globally . The company did not stop at that point; it has further implemented a comprehensive policy on crime corruption control so as to increase awareness, while at the same time reducing the risk of corruption and crime in its business. The above measures have enabled the Qantas airways to be efficient and effective in its internal operations.

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