Guidelines for Writing a Descriptive Research Paper

It is not wrong to say that books take you into another world. They have the power to make you travel distant lands, within no span of time. This is because of the excellent writing skills of the authors. They give such a vivid description of the things that we actually feel we are witnessing the place and the events.

This skill of describing events, situations or places can even be developed with time. In most school and colleges students are made to undertake descriptive essay writing. Even descriptive research papers is quite a common exercise which most teachers make their students take at college level.

Pictorial description is the backbone of the descriptive research paper. You have to be quite expressive and communicative in your essay. The tone of the essay should be polite and should have sufficient numbers of justifying adjectives.

The aim of the teachers to motivate students to write descriptive research papers is to test their scientific skill that is, the artistic faculty with the rational faculty. Analyzing the situation or the person is the motive behind writing this research paper. Also, the writing skills and expression are tested in the course.

It is very important to write the research paper in tandem with the procedure of attempting any research paper. But, obviously the research involved in writing other research papers is not needed at all. You need not spends hours in library or on internet looking out for the relevant information regarding your subject or the topic. All you have to do is to sit and scratch your head and dig out your feelings and reactions about a particular object or subject. Outside help of internet is of no great use. First hand experience is what matters.

Descriptive essay topics are not that tough to be found. There are number of topics which are very easy to attempt. Few of them are listed here:

  • Describe your favorite movie
  • Describe your favorite book
  • Describe your favorite poem
  • Describe your favorite play
  • Describe a picnic scene
  • Describe a scene of a railway platform
  • Describe your pet
  • Describe your vicinity of the school or your home
  • Describe a shopping mall
  • Describe your favorite holiday destination
  • Describe your teacher
  • Describe your friend

If you don’t like the following topics, you may choose any other topic of your choice. Writing a research paper involves time and effort. Don’t take descriptive research paper lightly. Writing an introduction and a conclusion is also quite necessary for writing a descriptive essay. Introduction should state your object or your subject of description. The body should beautify its various aspects. And the conclusion, should sum up your feelings beautifully.

If the descriptive research paper is not structured, then the essence of it might be lost. For a vivid and exact description, words, grammar, punctuation and sentence construction should all be well ordered. It should be flawless.

If you feel that writing a descriptive research essay is not your cup of tea, seek some outside assistance. There are many professionals who offer their helping hand at very nominal charges. Testimonials

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