Additional Services

Progressive Delivery

Due to the progressive delivery service provided by our agency, it is possible to handle large and difficult works (double-spaced orders comprising 20 or more pages and single-spaced orders comprising 10 or more pages) efficiently.

Pros of availing the mentioned service:

  • Customers can monitor the writing procedure, as their papers will be sent to them for approval in the draft form* before the set time frame.
  • 30-day free-or-charge revision period (a common order can be amended for free within 48 hours only).
  • A customer’s order will be managed by one of the best writers and editors.
  • To make sure each assignment is done properly and the communication between the customer and our specialist goes smoothly, a personal manager will control the placed orders.

Drafts are provided in the following form*:

  • assignments with the deadline of 4 or less days – one draft is provided within the half of the assignment deadline (for instance, if the deadline is 3 days, a draft will be issued in 36 hours) in the volume of 25% of the overall word count (for instance, if the paper comprises 24 pages, a draft will include 6 pages);
  • projects with the deadline ranging from 5 to 11 days – two drafts are issued within 25% and 50% of the stated time frame in the amount of 25% and 50% of the entire work respectively;
  • orders with 12 or more days deadline – three drafts are provided within 25%, 50%, 75% of the deadline in the amount of 25%, 50%, 75% of the entire work accordingly.

It is necessary to pay just extra 15% to the assignment price.

* In case a client desires to get a work by using another method, a special scheme meeting his/her needs and work requirements can be prepared. The specific aspects are to be discussed with a personal manager.

Supplementary Service for Assignments Including less than 20 Pages

  • Summary

Customers have an opportunity to receive a brief summary of their work on 1 page. Availing such a service is very useful for the clients who are to highlight the chief points of their work.

  • Draft

When using this option, a customer will be provided with a 1-page draft (300 words/double-spaced work and 600words/single-spaced work) of the paper after 50% of the time frame has passed (e.g., if the deadline is 8 days, a draft will be issued in 4 days).

  • Extended Revision Option

Our customers can request a free revision within 2 days after order completion. According to the “Extended Revision” policy, this time frame can be expanded to 14 days! Testimonials

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