Custom «University» Essay Paper Sample


University is a major player in shaping any person's future as it offers an individual with the basic initials needed to survive in life. The American university in Washington DC is a perfect example of this kind of university. Being a leader among the Washington DC universities, I like American University because it is located in Washington DC which is really diverse. This is of great importance for me as I will adjust well to the learning environment because I also come from a diverse high school. I will have a very close link with my instructors to get the best out of them due to the good organization and service delivery done in the institution. My objective of becoming a doctor will be met because American University provides high quality education. Thus, the American University gives me a great opportunity with a high competitive educational environment which is a very positive factor to me. This prestigious University has a Medical Career Program in which I am interested and that is offering me the best opportunity to better my future. With my passion and desire, I am most confident that American University will help me achieve my ambitions of becoming a doctor.

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