Custom «Technical Communication» Essay Paper Sample

Technical Communication

Font - this feature enables one to change the color of his or her document. On the drop-down menu, it is under format, then font. It is indicated by a color icon from the toolbar. It is shown using a capital A, with a colored bar below the letter.

Background – changes the appearance of the background. It is under the drop down menu, on format then scroll to the icon showing background.

Highlight – it is used to highlight certain keywords in a document. It is located under the toolbar, it has an icon with a colored bar underneath.

Abbreviation Expansion – this feature enables one to auto correct any abbreviations in his or her document. It is located under the drop down menu autocorrect; it gives suggestions to abbreviations entered in the text.

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Track Changes – this feature enables the user to track the changes he or she is making on the document. It highlights the changes made by the writer or editor. It is located under the reviewing toolbar; it is indicated by an icon like a pencil on paper. It preserves the original document even if changes have been made.

Insert Comments – it facilitates the user with the help to add comments on a given draft. It is under the review toolbar.

Spelling and Grammar – this feature helps in correcting the spelling as well as the grammar of the document. It is under the review drop down menu, and is indicated by ABC, and a tock underneath.

Auto Summarize – enables the user to give summary of the document instantly. It is under the tools drop down menu.

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Word Count – this is an additional feature, which enables to automatically keep count of the number of words written on the document. It is found in the tools drop down menu.

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