Write a Custom Research Paper

Get the Custom Research Paper You Deserve for Your Money!

We are PrimeWritings.com, the premier academic writing service on the internet, and our mission is to provide each client with an original custom term or research paper, based upon the client’s topic and individualized requirements. We have been in this business for many years and have progressively refined and improved our quality and service so that we can meet the needs of any student, at any academic level, and with any urgency of deadline. How do we do this?  Read on and discover the services and guarantees that no other writing service can provide!

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Our Writers

We have put together a team of writers and researchers from all English-speaking countries in the world. These professionals have advanced degrees in all areas of high school, university, and graduate study and know exactly how term and research papers must be constructed and referenced, consistent with the academic level of the client and the topic of study. Our writers and researchers conduct appropriate research, using the best resources available on a topic, compile that research, create an outline and construct a paper that fits the client’s needs in every way.

Our Editors

Once a paper is completed, our editorial staff can review it, cleaning up any structural or grammatical difficulties (if you need an editor to check and improve your paper, order our editing service), and then scans it for plagiarism. No paper leaves us for delivery to a customer without a guarantee of complete originality and a plagiarism report to prove it (note that this is an extra-paid option)!

Proofreading Service

Do you want your papers to be flawless?
Use our proofreading service!

Our Customer Service Staff

We have a team of customer support professionals who are available 24 hours a day, to respond to all of your questions and concerns. You can check on the progress of your order,  get a price quote, or present any issues you have with the production of your ordered paper.

Strict Adherence to Client’s Instructions

When you place your order with us, you will be asked to give all of the specific details of your instructor’s requirements. The more you are able to provide, the better your writer can meet every unique specification. Instructions should include length, breadth of research (including number of resources required), and all technical requirements, including resource citation format.  If you need an outline, please state so. A bibliography will be automatically provided.

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Our Guarantees

  1. We guarantee complete originality
  2. We guarantee delivery according to your deadline date
  3. We guarantee that all of your requirements will be followed
  4. We guarantee your privacy - we will not share your information with anyone
  5. We guarantee that your paper will never be saved by us and sold to another customer
  6. We guarantee the highest quality and the best service available anywhere

Don’t trust your academic career to fly-by-night inferior services that come and go, taking your money and giving your poor quality works that are badly written or taken from databases of existing papers. PrimeWritings.com is here to stay, and we rely on repeat business. To keep you as a customer, we have to get it right the first time and every time after that. Our commitment is to our customers, and our standards show that each and every time!

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