Excellent Online Proofreading Service

Academic and Professional Proofreading

If you are looking for professional proofreading service, formatting service and editing service or you are looking for custom annotated bibliography writing, you don’t need to go further. We provide premier editing service for novels, business plans, websites, memos, business reports, PowerPoint presentations, poems, short stories, brochures and annotated bibliography writing among others. We offer proofreading service for essays and other academic documents. Also you can buy our formatting service as we are experts at all formatting types.

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Using the Microsoft Word track changes feature we are able to propose numerous changes that our editors will have captured in your work in order to do proper corrections. We basically list all the corrections, changes and suggestions on the right hand side margin so that you don’t have a challenge identifying them and ageing with our experts.

Cooperate with the High-Level Specialists

Since we value your work so much we always make sure that we hire the crème de la crème of proofreaders and editors so that your work is done meticulously. We know how much you value your work and as a result, we work very closely as a team of professionals who are highly esteemed so as to make sure that any work that passes through our hands comes out crisp and clear. Our expertise is actually backed by a money back guarantee just to make sure that every one of our clients is satisfied with every project we are assigned. Apart from reediting your work free of charge we will actually give you back your cash.

All Your Data Is Protected

We are also a very professional body and we therefore maintain the strictest level of confidentiality regarding your documents as well as credit cards. We employ a VeriSign Secure Server ID such that any document or payment is processed using a secured socket layer that keeps you safe from document and credit card fraud. This is a system where documents are processed over an encrypted network which is thereafter destroyed after 30 days. All these precautions are taken so as to keep you secure.

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Being a Student Is a Difficult Task

Perhaps you are like the typical student who tries all they can but you are always obtaining lower marks than you think you truly deserve. There are possibilities that whereas you have beautiful ideas, while putting then across your papers are plagued with tens or hundreds of avoidable mistakes that could have been solved if you had the proficiency to do proofreading and editing.

If this is the challenge that you are struggling with you must realize that you are in good company. However, the good news is that help is truly available and we can provide you with proofreading service and you get the grades that you deserve from your hard work. You can very easily get an edge over your classmates by making this simple decision to buy professional proofreading service online at a comparatively cheap price.

Plagiarism Check

Attractive plagiarism check option: ensure
your papers are authentic!

We Are at Your Service

We have the expertise and proficiency to proofread and edit a large number of student academic papers according to every student’s needs and desire. Some of the most common projects we have had to undertake include: 
  • Essays
  • Dissertations
  • Research studies
  • Manuscripts
  • Business plans
  • Diversity statements
  • Academic proposals
  • College application essays
  • Sales letters
  • Application letters
  • Creative writing
  • Theses
  • CVs and resumes
  • Personal statements

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Why Choose Our Superb Services Online?

Some of the reasons we are preferred by most students include:

  • Our writers are native English speakers
  • We are ready to undertake any project from anywhere in the world; we don’t put you on any waiting list.
  • We have very accommodative rates that give you world class custom service at a relatively cheap price everyone can pay
  • We have a 100% money back guarantee which gives you the confidence to make your order
  • We can revise your work as many times as you desire until you get totally satisfied (remember that you have 2 days after the expiry of your order deadline to ask for a free revision of your paper)
  • We have a secure tamperproof system that enables you to safely do online business with us
  • We guarantee the strictest level of confidentiality

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