To Make a Reference List? – Easy!

When reading books or using other sources of information, everyone may have noticed a list of sources at the end of publications. Academic works also include a reference page. Students as well as other people usually pay little attention to that page, only in case they are interested in some sources. However, the situation has changed and now, students have to make a reference page as one of the assignments given by their professors. And that’s what leads them in a state of stupor since such a task is not a common essay or research paper.

If you are on our website, you are probably assigned to do a reference page in a specific citation style. If so, we can provide you with a professional reference list writing service so that you don’t stress out when doing such an assignment on your own. Just send your do my reference list request to us and expect professional reference list writing help.

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What Is a Reference Page?

Any reference list contains the list of all resources you use to write your paper. Every time you take information from an outside source and use it in your paper, you need to cite it and provide a reference to it. Thus, to make a reference list, you need to note down all sources you use and format them in accordance with a specific referencing style, such as APA, MLA, Harvard, or Chicago. It is essential to keep in mind that any academic paper is considered invalid without a reference page unless it is not specified in the instructions. Creating a list of references, you show your professor that the sources you’ve referred to do exist. This structural element adds weight to your work, of course if it is composed properly. So, let’s find out how to make a reference page according to the standards related to a particular citation style.

What Information Is Included on a Reference List?

Any entry on the reference list should indicate some basic information about the source, including:

  • Author
  • Publication date
  • Title
  • Publisher

Since the requirements of various citation styles and types of sources differ, extra information may be necessary. So, pay close attention to the provided instructions to succeed in creating a list of references in the stated formatting style.

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Tips on How to Make a Reference Page

The requirements of each referencing style are unique and rather difficult to remember. You can always check those formatting instructions using MLA, Harvard, or APA referencing style guide. Below, you can find few common key rules for the majority of referencing styles:

  • It should start on a new page
  • The word “References” or “Bibliography” needs to be bold and centered at the top of the page
  • Spacing should be consistent with the one used in the paper
  • All entries should be listed in alphabetic order by last name of author(s)
  • All entries need to be listed using hanging indentation

Unsure how to write a reference list? Calm down! In reality, many students and even professors may struggle with referencing sources. A great number of students turn to us when they need reference list help and you can do that, too. is one of the most reputable companies that has been assisting students to accomplish different assignments for many years now. So, contact us using any of the available means of communication and say, “Do my reference list, please!”

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I Need to Do My Reference List of Bibliography. What’s the Difference?

Many students don’t differentiate between both items mentioned. It’s understandable that the task may be confusing since both a reference page and bibliography highlight the sources used for preparing papers. Thus, what’s the different between them? Let’s delve deeper into the matter to avoid any confusion and misunderstanding.

First, it is necessary to say that a reference page contains the resources cited in a paper, while a bibliography includes the sources which one consulted but didn’t cite in the work.

The table designed below will help you get a better understanding about what term to use when arranging sources in a specific citation style.

Referencing Style

Term Used to Label a List of Sources



Reference list

It has to include only the sources cited in a paper.


Works cited

Works consulted (optional)

The former contains all resources cited in a paper, while the latter includes the publications that were examined/read but not cited in a paper.


Reference list (commonly)

Bibliography (rarely)

It has to include only the sources cited in a paper.

It may contain additional sources that were used but not cited.

Chicago footnote references


In case footnotes include all the needed data, the bibliography is usually unnecessary.

Chicago in-text references

Reference list

It has to include only the sources cited in a paper.

Seems mind-blowing? Keeping all the details related to a certain formatting style is really hard. One can get confused easily. But the way out exists – our writing services. Why get irritated and annoyed doing such a task if you can address competent specialists and get professional reference list writing help?

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Why Do I Have to Do My Reference List?

Creating a list of references, whether it is an independent assignment or the structural element indispensable to any academic work, plays a significant role in establishing a validity of papers. Let us explain. A student may produce an outstanding academic paper that has a clear thesis statement, strong evidence supporting it and interesting ideas that attract readers’ attention. Everything seems fine but then, your readers detect that there is no reference page in your work. How can they trust the information provided in your project if they can’t check it? To understand the importance of a reference page, you should put yourself in readers’ shoes. Fundamentally, the availability of references adds credibility to your writing project. So, never neglect such a task. In case it’s not your strong point or you simply lack time, refer to our online reference list writing service.

Our Writing Services

Requesting help with your references is normal since no person can remember all specifics of MLA, APA, Harvard, or any other formatting style. At times, arranging a page with sources can be quite challenging due to the requirements of a referencing style or the need to consider numerous details about sources. That said, there is nothing wrong if you turn to us at for advice and reference list writing help.
We receive numerous requests asking for help with writing, citing, and referencing. We understand that each request requires personal attention, and our team is eager to communicate closely with you to discuss all your concerns in detail. We have a sophisticated messaging system that allows you to contact your writer and explain all your concerns you have about your assignment. is one of the leading companies in the industry that provides writing and referencing assistance to students from all over the world. We have delivered thousands of great papers. That is why we encourage you to check the benefits we offer and place your order to make a reference list with us.

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Benefits of Using the Professional Reference List Writing Service Provided by

The trust of many students worldwide has made our services reliable. Students keep requesting our help with their writing and referencing assignments as they know that they will receive what they need. Here are just few reasons why they trust us:



    We know that often students are on a tight budget. Thus, our prices are reasonable and even students can pay them. A page of a reference list assignment may cost you just $13.99. Pay attention that the prices for our reference list writing service depend on your academic level, number of words, and deadline. Even if you need reference list writing help urgently, you’ll be able to afford it.



    Our team consists of professionals. Our writers are proficient not only in writing but also in citing and referencing. They are eager to help customers with all types of bibliography, no matter whether it is Harvard, Chicago, MLA, or APA referencing required. If you also need our experts’ help, submit your do my reference list order to us!



    Contacting us for reference list writing help, you can be confident that your completed assignment will belong to you only. You will be its sole owner since our agency does not resell the projects ordered by our customers. Thus, addressing us with your create my reference list request, you can be absolutely sure that no one else will have the same written material.



    At we understand the importance of timely submissions. Thus, we devote great efforts to meet even the tightest deadlines you may have. You can choose to receive your paper from 3 hours to 11 days and our writer will deliver it to you according to the indicated time. Be sure that we never extend deadline on our own. If there is such a need, we always contact the customer.


    24/7 Support

    Our support agents are available all the time to address your queries and concerns with your academic assignments. Any time you need to clarify anything with us, just start a live chat in your profile. Our support representatives can explain you how to use our reference list writing service, how to determine the cost of your assignment, how to get a discount, etc.



    We assure you that none of your personal information is shared with anyone. During the payment process, we use secure connections that prevent any possible leak of personal or transition details. The order-related details are also kept secret. So, you can rest assured that using our reference list writing service poses no risk to your identity. Thus, hurry to use it to get rid of tough tasks!

No matter the formatting style required, deadline, or any other items, we always make much effort to provide our clients with the best outcome. We make sure each our user is treated fairly and respectfully. So, order your reference page writing from us regardless of the formatting style needed or any other requirements!

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Impressive VIP Services

Apart from the advantages described below, our customers have an opportunity to use different VIP options such as:

  1. Extended revision – this option allows you to get more time for a free revision, i.e. 4 days instead of 48 hours.
  2. Full PDF plagiarism report – ordering this VIP service, clients can get proof of the originality of their assignments.
  3. VIP support – this superior option gives our customers an opportunity to get utmost attention from our support mangers.
  4. Expert proofreader’s help – this feature guarantees editing and proofreading by the most qualified staff.
  5. SMS notifications – this feature allows our users to get notifications of the status of their assignments (e.g. payment is confirmed, writer is assigned, etc.).
  6. Assistance from TOP 30 writers – ordering this option, our customers get the most experienced for their assignments.

We have considered all aspects of our writing services and introduced the options that can be useful to our customers. So, if you want to deal with the specialists who are committed to their job and full their responsibilities properly, you are welcome to us. We are the team that cares!

How to Order a Reference List

  • Place an order and provide broad guidelines.

  • Pay for your order, and we will start working on it immediately.

  • Our professional writer will study all the provided material.

  • Your list of sources will be arranged according to the indicated style.

  • If you have any questions, contact our support agents.

  • Receive a properly arranged reference list.

Process for Ordering Your Assignment

To order your assignment from, you need to indicate clear instructions, including the referencing style, deadline, length, as well as the sources you want to see on the reference page, etc. Then, you need to pay for the order via the secure payment method offered in the payment form. Once your transaction is confirmed, a writer will be assigned and start working on your assignment. When your chosen deadline ends, you will be able to download your order from your profile on our website.

Basically, this the way we work and help students make their life easier. If you feel overloaded with your studies or simply require help with your academic assignment, we will eagerly assist you. If any questions still remain, contact our support team and you will receive all answers. 

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