Custom «Leadership» Essay Paper Sample


It is important for organizations to have an efficient structure for them to achieve the objectives which have been put in place. The main factors that determine team performance include leadership. According to Bryman, (1986) for a team to perform well, the leader should be properly equipped with knowledge, on how to direct the team members. Another important factor is how disciplined the team is.

Discipline is important because the team member must learn how to follow directions and instructions from the leaders. Discipline also helps members to do the right thing at the right time and in the right place, at minimum supervision or none at all. Motivation should be another factor which should be considered. Team members work better if they are motivated and their morale is high. The organization's management and the leaders should ensure that the team members are motivated and always eager to perform the very best of their capability.

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Some scholars argue that leadership is not a role but a process, which directs the other members on how to achieve the targeted goals and objectives (Bryman, 1986). However, others will agree that a leader has roles to play in his or her leadership position. These roles could be supervising what the team members are doing, issuing them with directions and instructions on what to do. Leaders have the role of acting as pacesetters to the team members so that they follow.

For teams to be cohesive and be efficient in decision making, leaders should formulate ways of improving these elements. Some of relevant ways which could be used are: having an open discussion with team members. This way, their opinions, grievances and suggestions will be laid out and this will improve decision making. Seminars and training programs are also efficient because, they will train the members on how to cooperate with each other and with their leader, hence improving cohesiveness.

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