Custom «Tactics and Force Multipliers» Essay Paper Sample

Tactics and Force Multipliers

Force multiplier is a term originating from the armed forces and refers to the fact or a circumstance that suddenly increases the force of a certain military. Technology, religion, media and transnational support are four force multipliers which gives sustenance to terrorists' organizations (White 330). Through transnational support, terrorists form or join groups with the same interests and ideologies. Military and government agencies are hindered by transnational support from conducting their normal duties of law enforcement and security provision. When terror groups merge they grow and become stronger.

Religion, as a form of force multiplier, instills fear in the general public. It creates a better chance for conveying political messages. Through religion, a prospect for perpetuating fear to the rest of the world and the possibility for additional recruitment is rife. After conscription, recruits are unaware of the messages they are spreading by sacrificing themselves (White 143).

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Media, another force multiplier, influence terror groups and terrorists by making them believe that they are the most powerful and revered political outfits. It is used to spread the message of supremacy not only to the world but to other terrorist associations. The message which media accords them is "we against them", whereby there is materialization of comradeship accompanied by disruptive behavior (White 322). Through media, corporate agenda and mission become clear goals for diverting attention from imminent attacks (White 230).

Technology is depended on by terrorists to evade authorities and speed up their processes. It is used to manufacture sophisticated military hardware capable of causing vast destruction and mass murder. They have remote command systems, camera controllers and supervision kit used by operators to administer the squads. There is also use of long range and high precision video cameras, several forms of disguises, bullet proof jackets among other equipment during planning and attacks.

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The use of force multipliers by terrorists continue to increase severity of attacks and cause several deaths across the world. The governments use a lot of resources and high level diplomacy in efforts to fight them. With knowledge of such effective multipliers, audience reaction to a terrorist event would just be a confirmation that terrorists are well organized people who always outmaneuver authorities by all means necessary.

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