Custom «Organizational Theory» Essay Paper Sample

Organizational Theory

Organizational culture is a term used to refer to the specific way of life that a certain company has adopted to use. The organization uses the adopted culture to further its vision, mission, and objectives. Additionally, it is used to solve financial constraints as well as establish strong social networks amongst its employees and the society. All the activities of the organization are also intended to be done in a unique way in order to distinguish one organization from the other.

Thus, organizations bring out the essence of developing a unique procedure in which to execute programs without altering any employee’s abilities. Therefore, using the different abilities the employees have, they execute their responsibilities with such a wonderful harmony. Organization culture is helpful in establishing firm foundations and unique relationships. The organizational culture is identified as the overall environment and the characteristics of the companies that help it thrive in the market.

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There are two different perspectives on which various activities are carried out in various companies. They include the modern and the post-modern perspectives. The modern perspective uses its principle of having a remarkable increase in the anticipated results. The modern approach is characterized by large sizes of the company which reflects a large overall work. Employees in the company are expected to show a raise in the manner of acquiring efficient procedures. The structures in the company should be used to enlarge the overall market share with their available resources.

The modern perspective in an organization is also characterized by the stronger structures that enable the continuity of the company’s activities. The structures are established to suit the organizations’ nature. The modern structures are normally put up in such a way that they shall accommodate the hierarchical form of leadership. Additionally, the modern perspective is geared to attain massive production by using the most applicable technological processes. Therefore, the modern perspective applies differently in various companies depending on the nature of their activities.

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On the other hand, the post-modern organizational structure emphasizes on small things and moderate structures. This contrasts with the modern perspectives which target at putting up large structures that promote growth. The small digitalized structures put up by the post-modern perspective are generally inconsistently fragmented. The fragmentations lead to differing policies, structures and procedures in the organization. The post-modern practices are therefore used to address the more complex situations in the organization.

The digitalized structures are also able to cope with large amounts of work at a very fast speed as compared to the larger structures in the modern approach. The post-modern perspective in organizations allows the use of highly mixed organizational structures and practices. The various combinations of practices develop into more complex methods by which results are attained. Therefore, the use of post-modern approach in companies necessitates the use of highly sophisticated skills and machines. These skills are only acquired by employing professionals for all the jobs.

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