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Captain Wentworth plans a visit to Musgrove's at Kellynch where he is anxiously awaited. Before Wentworth arrival, Mr. Musgrove makes a call to Captain Wentworth and could not hide his joy to have him come for dinner. On the other hand, Charles Musgrove son gets hurt and his mother insists that the boy had to be kept in bed but despite this Charles became optimistic that the child will be well and that he had desired by to see Wentworth at the dinner. However, individual was hopeful that the child will be well. Seeing that Charles and his wife wanted to go for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Musgrove volunteered to be with Charles son. During dinner, Wentworth perceives Anne has changed and cannot forgive her for hurting him. However, he loves her very much. Captain Wentworth and Ann Elliot dined at the Mr. Musgrove's

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From the excerpt, the character of Charles is fascinating due to his persuasion to have his son go for the dinner in order to meet Captain Wentworth. His optimism that his son will be well is something to admire. Wentworth display unique personalities that make him admired by Ann and Mary. He is also satisfied with his work and is motivating. The boldness in expression manifested by Mr. and Mrs. Musgrove's as well as their desire to help Charles is quite a good show of warmness and true kinship as the couples are concerned with the conditions of Charles sons in regard with the dinner (Persuasion, 2004). However, other character like Charles wife is not worth admiring as she insists that their son remains in bed and not to see Wentworth.

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Other Characters like Ann are worth emulating as they take a critical role in the wellbeing of the rest of the character in the plot. Ann appears to be a caring lady who goes out of her way to take care of Charles son who got hurt. She goes on caring Charles son as they await the physician to come. However the Admiral does not appear as a good person. In fact, he hate the sight of women in the ship and for that reason, he cannot stand ladies on board his ship. Wentworth obsession of Elliot's presence is something seems to pull him down in the story.

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