Custom «A Critique of the Lion» Essay Paper Sample

A Critique of the Lion

This film is set in the 1940s, during the Blitz. It bases its discussion on four ordinary children Susan, Peter, Lucy Pevensie and Edmund. The four children discovered a wardrobe in Digory Kirke’s, a professor (Adamson). This wardrobe has the passage leading to Narnia, a magical land (Null). This land is full of adventures for children, occupied by animals and all sorts of fairly creatures. All that is done in this land should be handled with extreme caution, as everything must be accounted at the end.

These Pevensie children help Aslan, a lion that talked, to save Narnia from an evil White Witch. The White Witch reigned over that land for more than a century in the perpetual winter. The children are crowned queens and kings of the land. In this newly found land, the latter left a legacy having established a golden age of Narnia (Adamson).

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There are scenes that are quite effective in this film, the embracement of the childhood wonders of the youngest of the characters, Lucy. She first discovered the fantasy land. This is a time when siblings have been evacuated in escape of the London bombing during the Second World War. Good virtues are learnt from Aslan whose main message was forgiveness (Clive 234).

No single film goes through without a notable mistake. The film however, provoked spirited religious overtones. This is a certain con from the above pros. With the power to resurrect, Aslan starts in the film as a king, contrary to what many would desire in relation to a Christ figure (Adamson). The director makes the King Lion a distant character with minimal or no change to the end of the film, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The starling children undergo the only considerable change. The film is effective to the audience, it is created for keeping in mind that the subjects are not in a position to critically review it.

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