Custom «Request for an Investment Opportunity» Essay Paper Sample

Request for an Investment Opportunity

Having watched and studied the operations and performance of your telecommunications company, I am impressed by the immense options that your company offers for investment ranging from stock to annuities. However, I would like not to put my investment on your stock even though your stock performance at the stock market is also very enticing and impressive, but rather invest in your company as a franchise. This is because of the reputation that your company has in the region.

In addition, the quality of your products and services is reputed and my market research shows that most people subscribe to your broadband services. This option suits my investment because I am venturing into a viable market that your company has not tapped. I intend to purely help Apple Inc. products into the market in such a way that it will be of great benefit to your organization. Moreover, by use of your company's name, structure and resources will at the same time market your company in this new market.

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To facilitate the establishment of this franchise investment, I intend to use my personal savings which I think is sufficient to kick start the business. Furthermore, I could access bank loan to fund the franchise. Another option is to get into a limited partnership with another interested party. However, this could only arise if the company requires that I should not have less than a certain amount of money before starting, although I still insist that my savings are able to service the starting of the business.

Therefore, with my experience in telecommunications business and my commitment in maintaining the good reputation of your company, I could be very glad if this opportunity was granted and I look forward to working with you.

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