Custom «Information Technology » Essay Paper Sample

Information Technology

The past few years have seen have seen technological advancements which have brought about a total revolution in which businesses are conducted. It has been said that business communication is more than getting the word out of it but also the science of engaging employs in the business. Business communications have totally been transformed enabling workers to be more efficient in the way they carry their businesses.

The advent of information technology has brought about new technologies that are capable of improving every aspect of business communication. Workers are now efficient thanks to some hardware like the PDAs and other software which are used as networking tools. Business and information technology plays a major role in preparing and ensuring a business literate and competent workforce to make intelligent consumer and business related choices. The invention of telephone, fax machine and more recently wireless gadgets used in communication are vital for businesses to thrive.

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Gadgets like those used in video conferencing have given a new lease to businesses and made them more flexible and efficient to carry out. Those businesses willing to embrace new technologies will find it more likely to survive and prosper in a world of stiff competition. The result today is thus a heavily networked computers which have become essential in the day today of running of businesses.

Today's businesses are highly transformed by high technology which have included new means of solving complexity of business, increased speed in processing information. Electronic advertising has taken over as more and more businesses jostle for the electronic space

Although with all the above advantages, data security and privacy issues concerns are a major impediment to effective use of communication. A company's message to its employees can be tapped by another rival company and jeopardize its operations. Businesses therefore should look for effective ways to safeguard their information securely to ensure that they are not accessed by unauthorized people outside and inside the company.

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