Custom «Gifted Hands » Essay Paper Sample

Gifted Hands

The book Gifted Hand is a true story of Dr. Benjamin S. Carsonory gives a great lesson for the students and upcoming generation that they must have a proper and full faith in God. They must live their life in a positive manner and achieve what they want to. God has blessed everyone with special qualities. Ben was unaware with his qualities blessed by God and did not knew that one day he will be the greatest man who served the man. The hard work is a way to success. The story of Ben Carson is very inspiring as he was a completely frustrated young boy and everything in his life always went against him who was unaware of his capabilities. He was unaware that one day he would become one of the world’s top neurosurgeons. He was an African American child who was brought up by his single parent, a mother. He grew up in the streets of Detroit. He developed in deprived situations as he was born in a poor family. His frustration was the biggest cause of obtaining failing grades at school. But he went on struggling and his mother was the only one who helped him to come out of that frustration. She used different techniques by which his child can develop more interest in books. She was the one who saw life more clearly than the average. She admitted her son to the better school so that he can learn in a better way. All this made him to bloom. He learnt to multiply and spell. He started to explore the world of books and grew in it. He made a good use of his knowledge and won a full scholarship to the renowned Yale University. He was very nervous about his exam at Yale but his attachment to God helped him a lot. He scored a 97 on the exam. He applied and devoted himself wholeheartedly to his studies. He expanded his knowledge in every subject. During medical school at the University of Michigan, he invented a new surgical technique on his neurosurgery rotation. He performed a surgery as a resident without attending supervision, risking his medical career to save a man's life. Not only this, his techniques of surgery gave hoppes to the worried patients. He saved countless lives.

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The story in Gifted Hands is told through simple language that anyone can understand. The story of Ben’s success shows his great struggle and hard work. His story reveals that strong faith and patience never go waste. It can be said that it is the miracle of God that how he can use his man to deliver these people from their worst nightmares amazed me.The character of Ben’s mother is very inspiring as her way of taking the things of life was different and clear. She made quick and right decisions which always went in favor of his son. Another greatest aspect of this story is that the Ben had a full faith in God. He always prayed to God. His faith in God was the actual reason behind his success. God work in his life and opened amazing doors of opportunities throughout his life.

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Ben Carson is regarded as a role model for the today’s youth. His life experience gave the lesson that by struggling one can beat the odds very easily. He made the impossible thing possible by making thousands of attempts. His motivational drive is contagious and inspiring. His struggle, hard work, faith and genius are the basic qualities that made him one of the greatest life-givers of the century. It was a great blessing of God who chooses him for serving his mankind.

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