Custom «Things I will Do after I Graduate» Essay Paper Sample

Things I will Do after I Graduate

The following are some of the things that I will do after my graduation. These are some of the things that will help me in achieving my goals. They are in addition the things that will guide me in realizing what I have always wanted which is prospering in life. I believe by doing this my life will take a positive turn.

My first goal will be that of forming a resume which will enable me in notifying my potential employees that I am available for working in their organizations. On the other hand it will help mi in securing my own career. From there a job will be highly entertained as it will help me in moulding my future.

I will then try finding my own room which will be away from my noisy roommates at the same time there will be no parties in it which will help me in focusing more with my life. Being away from the roommates will give me adequate time in making good decisions that will be so important in my life.

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The other thing is that I will enroll for more classes to gain more education due to the competitive nature that exists. I will also equip myself with adequate knowledge on my preferred career as it will help me understand the things I had already learnt in a better way and know those that I did not know.

With this, I will be better placed as it will help me to a great extent mould my future and in the long run, I will be at least sure of achieving my goals and aspirations. This has been my wish since I became conscious of life skills, and so therefore I regard this brainstorming opportunity to put into writing the things I would do after I graduate. (MacGrane, 2010)

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