Custom «Emergency Management» Essay Paper Sample

Emergency Management

Among the factors influencing people's decision-making during a disaster is an individual’s past experience. An individual will reason and base his or her judgment on whether the last experienced was positive or negative. On the other hand, an individual has a tendency to avoid repeating the past mistakes. Other factors include cognitive biases, age and individual differences. Age is a factor; there is a difference between decisions taken by a young person than an old person. There is also the factor of individual difference in that some individuals are brave while others are cowards. Brave individuals will make will make daring decisions, while the cowards will make aversive decisions.

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Among the shortcomings in using "behavioural" theoretical approaches are that, it is too restricted to the concept that human response to disaster can be studied only on noticeable behaviours. This theoretical approach has strict limitations and does not consider other factors such as consciousness, hypothetical feelings and mental events, which cannot be demonstrated by the outward behaviour. According to Haddow and Bullock (2003), this approach fall short of providing other information that cannot be provided by the outward behaviour. Additionally, the behavioural approach relies on how effective is behavioural methodology, rather than stressing on other factors underpinning the human response to disaster.

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Mitigation Plans are extremely essential in ensuring that there is revival of community’s economic status. The five comparison based has an impact of developing a basis for a long-term economic revival. It also has an impact of reducing losses brought about by the disaster as well as breaking away the series of disaster losses. Arguably, the five-based comparison cites are very beneficial. This is because it has an impact of reconstructing the damages brought by the disaster (Drabek, 2007). Furthermore, it establishes a structure for risk-based decision making, especially with regard to reducing to damages to economy, property and lives from future damages.

The strategies for modification differ depending on the element being modified. Strategies for modifying loss include immediate rescue efforts, use of relief efforts for instance food, shelter, and water as well as long-term reconstruction. An example is during earthquakes where the strategy of immediate rescue efforts is very beneficial. Strategies for modifying vulnerability include coastal zone management, provision of emergency kits, land use planning as well as prediction, monitoring and evacuation systems. An example where monitoring, evaluation and prediction are beneficial is volcanoes. The strategies for modifying events include coastal defences and coastal engineering, lava diversion among others. A good example where a coastal defence is very beneficial is at tsunami (Haddow & Bullock, 2003).

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Paradigm perspective is a general revival model, which involves a series of connected activities structured in such a way that it brings conditions to normalcy (Drabek, 2007). It is a perspective that views the disaster revival as a process of social transformation in various stages, but principally domestic. The community can recover from disaster in a complex paradigm perspective, through splitting the whole process into various stages that would undergo social transformation and finally it would return to its normalcy. In reviving the community, conceptual structure is developed in such a way that it examines the community behaviour in relation to how they select a transformative course.

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