Custom «My View of Lenore» Essay Paper Sample

My View of Lenore

Edgar Allan Poe is the writer of the poem Lenore which was published first in the year 1831. It was first published as A Paean.The poem resumes to Poe's themes of beauty and death in this poem in which case the spirit of a currently deceased young woman dominates the entire narration despite the absence of her physical presence. It is through the eyes of her male living lover that the dead beloved is seen and comes consequently to embody the beauty pinnacle as well as perfection in her death.

The emphasis on her fairness as well as aesthetically pleasing body proposes a link between outer and inner beauty whereas it ironically make her look more substantial than either the unnamed narrator (Guy de Vere) who seems as a disembodied voice. Guy de Vere isn't the narrator in this case but he possesses his own two monologue stanzas within the poem's four stanzas. Irrespective of the Biblical diction of these words he uses, his speech isn't a typical funeral elegy because it speaks as much about the mourners as it does concerning Lenore. His love for Lenore is vivid although he doesn't cry as he narrates since he hopes to meet her in heaven. Lenore passed away in her youth and Guy de vere's grief as well as his anger stems partly from her beauty and life idea which was frozen in death at age that is too early (Stanza 1).

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The often repetition of died so young phrase emphasizes the source of this regret. Additionally, Lenore is referred to as the dear child by the narrator thereby infantilizing Lenore. This poem has been connected to Poe's wife who married him at a tender age. Hence, Poe has been observed idealizing her youth. Despite the idea that it is an elegy, Lenore takes a dialogue form between two people causing dichotomy as well as the use of doubles that appears in most of Poe's fiction poem. Guy de Vere defiantly accuses others of having led to the death of Lenore whereas the narrator is conciliatory as he says peccavimus (Stanza 2) which means that the innocence in death of Lenore is matched by her youth.

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