Custom «A Community Called Atonement» Essay Paper Sample

A Community Called Atonement

“ACommunityCalled Atonement” is a book that sums up theconceptof atonement with the help of a golf clubmetaphor. The author relates theories of atonement to the golf clubs. He implies that a person would not want to use a single club on the golf course for every situation; People should nottiethemselves to one way of comprehending atonement theories. There are many atonement theories that comprise a penal substitution and recapitulation among others. They are particularlycrucialin giving responses to various theological questions. The author points that theunderstandingon how atonement solvesa mischiefisdependenton the perception of a problem.

The book comprises four sections. These four partsfollowafter the introductorypartwhich determines thetoneand reveals the main points. The introduction argues that atonement does not make the anticipated difference in the lives of Christians; lack of the atonement-catalyzed change is the inability to integrate atonement metaphors into a coherent whole. McKnight triessuch asacredenterprise in the other part of the book. The first part entails adiscussionin which Jesus teaches about the kingdom of Heaven. The author peruses, through Luke’s acts, to explain the Lukanthreadthat demonstrates atonement. Itis comprehendedas the restitution of humanity in all faces so that theyformthe ecclesia.

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Secondly, the author argues that each explanation isright; however, each explanationbringsa differentaspectof Christ’s death that others do notpresentcandidly. The book takes a certain approachto atonement, reveals how eachmetaphoris concretely groundedin Scripture, and explains how Christ’s death saves us. Concisely, the death of Jesus is too immeasurable to be properly described using the only single metaphor. The author’sexplanationof “cracked Eikons” in need ofrestorationisfabulous.

The bookis writtenin a fairlypopularand approachableway. The author uses arichview of Scripture and Christianorientation. The book is easy to understand even by non-theologians; therefore, it isenjoyableand profiting to read the book.

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