Custom «Latin America Civilization» Essay Paper Sample

Latin America Civilization

The future of Latin America changed dramatically during the period of 1819 to 1829. This was the period by which the Latin American states gained independence from the colonists. The war of independence began during the Napoleonic wars, which were characterized rather as a civil war than a revolt. The Spanish army had problems in fighting rebellion on the two continents that were vast in size redundancy. This was due to the determination of the local society to resist the rule of Spain in these colonies. The rebellion, thus, failed to recognize the Spanish Empire with the aim of establishing new independent states in Latin America.

There was a contest that existed as there were some who wanted to stay with monarchy while there were others who wanted republicanism, as there was no family willing to replace the royal family. There was also the problem of creating a central government strong among the states. There was a distinction between the regions and nations, which had an adverse effect on politics due to the nation being artificial.

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The success of gaining independence of the Latin America led to the uniting of these nations, but there emerged differences making each country a sovereign state. During this period of liberation, the economy of the new states was profoundly affected due to the different political institutions hindering development.

The trade block of the Spanish Empire had been destroyed making the trade between the new states. This was due to the small population of the states with no incentives to prompt increased production. The result of independence did not bring regimes that were stable. The states that had emerged after independence collapsed due to struggle of centralism and federalism.

The new body of politics failed to incorporate the lower social classes, and this created battlefields between the conservatives and the liberals as they sought the creation of a dynamic society that was not divided by ethnic and social distinctions in quest for society transformation. These policies were not welcome by the natives as they had benefited from the protection that had been provided by the Spanish empire laws.

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