Custom «Stars in Alabama» Essay Paper Sample

Stars in Alabama

STARS, is the best thing that can happen and has happened to students in the state of Alabama. It saves students quite a lot of time since transferring from one college institution offering a two year program to one offering a four year program is easy. It is worth noting that students require their grades from the two year college program to the four year college program for a degree. Since students will sometimes fail and this increases frustration and risks of dropouts, the state of Alabama covers this by the use of stars. Students are therefore saved the much time that would have been required for the student to repeat the course, and subsequently the monetary resources that would have been used repeating the course.

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Additionally, it is worth mentioning that the two year college credits are important for students to continue with a degree of their choice. Unfortunately, universities and higher level colleges usually refuse to accept credits from these two year colleges, wasting time and other resources for the students. However, in Alabama, students have ease in transfer of the credits they earned in these two year colleges to the university or a four year college of their choice, and for a degree that the credits can support. This is quite a great move because all the time that would have required students to show ability to take up a degree in the university are shortened by acceptance of credit transfers from these colleges.

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Other colleges outside Alabama do not recognize the credits in certain courses that students have previously done in their two year college programs. This usually forces students to take longer time in college, repeating a course that has previously been done. Furthermore, parents still have to pay fees for the students repeating something that has been learned previously. This is expensive, especially with the harsh economic times that are being experienced in the United States and the globe. It is therefore quite a move to see that STARS take an initiative of avoiding repetition and extended college stays

There are times when students are frustrated by their institutions even though they have already been accepted in the college or university. This is mainly based on arguments that the credits of the students from previous colleges may not have met the requirements that are set by the particular institution concerning a certain degree. Fortunately, STARS in the state of Alabama has an assurance that students will take the degrees of their choice without having such frustrations. It is worth noting that STARS ensures that students are adequately trained in their degrees and therefore are successful in the degrees that are listed by the local four year program colleges and universities.

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There is nothing more that students can ask. STARS save them time, money and frustration of repetition of courses. Furthermore, the ease of obtaining a STARS transfer guide is tremendous. One simply goes to a Faulkner community college website and clicks on the icon STARS. There are guidelines that are given below this until a student is fully registered and enrolled in the reporting system. STARS is simply the best, indeed, the only option.

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