Custom «World Environmental Education Congress» Essay Paper Sample

World Environmental Education Congress

I have an interest in attending the 6th World Environmental Education congress for various reasons. First, I want to be part of the journey of learning, collaborating, sharing, and showcasing the best things that this world has to offer this region, as well as what Asia-pacific and Australia have to offer the world.

I regard this as an opportunity to show what my institution has to offer in terms of academic practice and research in this particular field. I also consider this conference an opportunity for creating networks as well as communities for continued practice with other people who are interested in similar topics and issues.

For me, attending this conference means an opportunity to give other people who are outside my institution and local area, the chance to know about my interests and strengths. Since I was invited in order to become involved in various external projects, I consider this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

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I am keen to know about what other people want to present during the conference by looking at themes contained in their abstracts. Additionally, I am motivated to know a lot about the views and ideas that innovative scholars have regarding environmental education. For me, this conference is a rare opportunity of hearing from renowned environmentalists from all over the world. I am keen to know about what they have to say about the recent trends in environmental education research. I have many questions to ask during the conference so that I can compile a report and present to my colleagues when in come back to campus.

I have never been to Brisbane, and the prospect of encountering such a great learning experience in a new environment adds to the excitement on what to me will definitely be the most memorable congress I have ever attended. I am also keen to participate in discussions will be going on during plenary sessions, where I will have the best opportunity to articulate my thoughts on environmental education.

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