Custom «Samsung Galaxy Tab and Apple’s iPad » Essay Paper Sample

Samsung Galaxy Tab and Apple’s iPad

The tablets have revolutionized how we engage and treat personal computing. The technological progress has made it possible for everyone to have a portable, versatile yet a high performance device suitable for education, business and entertainment. Tablet computing has ushered in a new era of interactive human experience. It is a new dawn for contemporary possibilities carving brand new frontiers in hand-held devices. Samsung tablets and iPad from Apple have been going head-to-head in their quest for the tablet world domination.

Screen quality of Samsung tablets versus Apple’s iPad

A device winning streak has to be in the display. A device that captures and compels the human eye has won totally - the heart and mind. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 possesses distinct clear sharp images. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 has a slightly larger display, and a resolution of 1280 by 800 pixels compared to its counterpart iPad 2’s 1024 by 768 pixels. This clearly shows that Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 has a higher resolution than iPad 2, which means that it displays more life-like and sharper images than iPad 2. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 screen or display incorporates PLS TFT touchscreen technology. Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 has crystal clear viewing angles due to its unique PLS (Plane-Line-Switching) touchscreen technology. It makes the device better in reproduction of images compared to the normal IPS screens like the iPad 2, which has a poor outdoor experience especially when exposed to sunlight. The glare also affects the use of iPad 2 in a well-lit indoor environment, and this device was designed for travelling by being portable. In display, resolution is the key. The higher the pixels, the more distinct and clearer images are. For a good user experience a high resolution display appeals to the stimulation of the visual pathway. Therefore, it is needless to say that Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 beats hands down Apple’s iPad 2.

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Software and Performance Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 versus Apple’s iPad 2

iPad 2 runs on Apple’s iOS 4 operating system which is subject to upgrading. The abovesaid operating system offers superior performance of iPad 2. iPad 2 homescreen is characterized by swipeable menus. I would vehemently agree that in terms of performance, iPad 2 won it. However, Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1’s interface is more intuitive, sleek and polished if compared to iPad 2. iPad 2 closed platform does not offer flexibility and customization unlike the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 which allows one to customize and display live widgets on their homescreen. Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 also possesses high speed Bluetooth unlike iPad 2.

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Design and Weight

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is considered ‘the world’s thinnest mobile tablet’.  It is just 8.6mm wide and weighs 565grams compared to 8.8mm iPad 2 which weighs 607grams. Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is built from high quality plastics which also make it lighter and at the same time comfortable to hold even for long period. 

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