Custom «Netflix» Essay Paper Sample


Netflix has introduced the modern mode of movie rental. Generally, emerging technologies emerge new business methods. But, specifically, computer technology has had influenced the traditional mode of business and transformed it into technologic mode.

Netflix introduction

One example of modern mode of movie rental business is Netflix. It innovated for the fist time the movie rental business by introducing online database of movies, get the orders online and mail them to their mailing address. Moreover, they introduced unlimited amount of rentals without any due date and a flat-fee for annual subscription, no late fee, and no per title rental fees.

Topic research

In the case 450 patent filed by Netflix on April 28, 2000. Netflix claims in this case that their business model is a patent. In addition, before the court they presented their business model as a new invention that is solely invented by them. On the other hand, reading patent claim 1 of Patent No. 6,584,450, as well as getting information about the true spirit of prior art in patent law that spells it out as - any information or product that is not available to the public before its first hand introduction or invention.   

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My argument

After having enough research about the topic and getting my mind into the

case - 450 patent filed by Netflix on April 28, 2000. Its cause - the patent claim 1 of Patent No. 6,584,450 a United States patent law. And, aspects of legal application according to the true spirit of prior art concept.

I have come to the conclusive point that the patent should be invalid because it does not claim patentable subject matter. The reason is the business model like adapted by Netflix is actually refers to the trade secret as well as an existing technology. The technology used is not only very commonly known, but also used by and large. Therefore, it does not pertain to the patent, but it is a regular technology usage that can be used by anyone without copywriting or patenting. Hence, no patent applies on it. 

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