Why Readers Adore One Hundred Years of Solitude?

Why Readers Adore One Hundred Years of Solitude?

Translated into 44 languages, One Hundred Years of Solitude written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is one of the most worldwide popular Spanish literary works after Don Quixote. The novel’s mixture of fantasy and reality, which defines One Hundred Years of Solitude as a form of magic realism, is the main peculiarity of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s book.

According to William Kennedy, One Hundred Years of Solitude is “a masterpiece that should be read by each representative of the human race. Gabriel Garcia Marques belongs to the Nobel Prize Winners in Literature owing to his work One Hundred Years of Solitude.

The usage of beautiful poetic language, the author’s ability to merge the routine aspects of life with surreal and magical phenomena, made the book universally admired. One Hundred Years of Solitude celebrates its 50th anniversary since the day of its first publication in the year 1967. By present time, 50 million copies of the book have been sold, which is not a limit for this fabulous, lightly historic, sexy, entangled, family based novel.

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Gabriel Garcia Marquez described his book as a “very very complex and complicated novel in which I have placed my best illusions.” The book allows you to experience fantastic events that you’d have never anticipated like dead ancestors, who return to remind their successors of their faults, a silent girl, who cares the bones of her parents, a boy, who is about to discover ice and many other fascinating events hidden in 100 years of the enchanting story.

Because of the usage of a specific literature form of magic realism, Gabriel Garcia Marquez made a fantastical and believable story, where culture, traditions, family bonds, political situations, war and peace, man’s loneliness etc. are depicted with exaggeration, yet reflect realistic, everyday problems, where magical and supernatural are treated as normal, where fantasy and illusion are balanced with character’s conscious reaction and perception.

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One Hundred Years of Solitude is a unique in its genre novel, which became a classic, a book of a lifetime owing to Marquez’s extraordinary style.

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