Argumentative Essay

Persuade thru Argumentative Essay

Argumentative Essay is one form of writing where you are required to research a topic and establish a conclusion where you have to present it and make it as the most reasonable choice compared to other conclusions.  The overall manner of this essay is effectively proving your point as the correct and most truthful among the pother views made.  When you write, you have to make use of proper reasoning and induction so that your conclusion can be credible and will appear sounder.  In failing to do all these when writing the essay, your work will be considered as an unsubstantiated and a not properly supported opinion.  Argumentative essays require the ability and efficiency of the author to show his conclusions based on facts and not on his personal assumptions.  In-depth investigation and research of works about the topic or previously published materials are usually involved to accomplish this paper.

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A good argumentative essay must be written following this structure:

  • It must start with a thesis statement and discuss the importance of the presented opinion using analysis.  The thesis statement should be concise and clear and make sure that you make the readers aware why talking about this issue is beneficial for them.
  • The body of the essay should contain a wide range of information about the topic.  This information is made up of evidential support about the topic.  The evidences you provide should be well-researched, accurate, current and detailed.  You can use factual, statistical or anecdotal methods to discuss these proofs.  Since you will be dealing with a lot of ides, make sure that you break it down to several paragraphs where each is dedicated to a specific idea.   On top of all these discussions do not forget to provide the previous attempts about the issue, the effects of the problem whether positive or negative and the possible outcome or consequences in case the issue is not resolved.
  • Present a conclusion that doesn’t only answer the thesis statement. You have to present your conclusion in a way that you readdress the thesis statement in light of all the arguments you presented in your work.  Don’t use new information but synthesize the views you presented in the body of the essay.

There are a whole lot of choices when you talk about the possible topics for argumentative essay.  Some of the most common argumentative essay topics are:

  • Gender issues
  • Effects of smoking and alcohol
  • Economic crisis and government actions
  • Religion and moral issues
  • Parenting styles
  • Internet and social media

The alternatives that you have for the topic is endless but it is wise to choose issues that are current or something that is familiar. Argumentative essays are meant to persuade your readers so talk about a topic that you that your readers can easily relate to or something that you are passionate about.  Online writing services are there if you need guidance or if you can’t make up your mind on what to write about. Testimonials

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