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Social Stratification in America Newsletter

There is not one generalized definition for poverty, which is accepted by countries all over the world. It seems each country or region has its own specific definition. Thus, it is generally categorized as material deprivation. Most would define poverty as the state o f being poor whereby; one is deficient in money or the means for subsistence.

Many characterizations go for people within the poverty situation. For one, poor households usually cannot meet their needs. This is in terms of food and health benefit requirement for sick individuals. They live in permanent debt situations and have poor harvests if they happen to be in the field of farming.

As for the participation of the government, many think that it has not done enough to alleviate the situation of the poor in America. There is some truth to this, however, when talking about the current policies and even those given during the 2008 period of campaigns suggested that they would not come close to addressing the real causes as well as the consequences of the global meltdown in finances (Richard, 2007). There are recommendations that would help boost the financial stability of individuals in the poverty gap. This includes the raising of minimal wage, which would benefit especially those from the small businesses.

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The other recommendations in this field would include the proposals to increase the access to higher levels of education especially to the youngsters in these situations. There should also be lobbying for former prisoners to have access to most forms of employment, which would decrease the hold of unemployment. At the same time, those who are unemployed should also have a safety scheme whereby, there is an equitable compensation scheme. The housing policy reforms would also be a huge hit for poverty and help the impoverished get back on their feet.

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