Custom «Life is Full of Challenges and Opportunities» Essay Paper Sample

Life is Full of Challenges and Opportunities

Life is full of challenges and opportunities and they must be overcome and utilized so as to be successful; this means that an individual must always have goals and objectives to achieve the final outcome. Indeed, without a vision and mission an individual will perish. In transferring I hope to achieve a successful academic standard and be better in life. I am planning on the transfer; firstly, because I need one year in a school that will open me to the global levels. In the American classroom, I can achieve this and have an internationally recognized certificate, this will place me way ahead of others in my career.

Secondly, I need to finish my studies and get my bachelors degree as soon as possible and this transfer will help me achieve this objective. This is so for the reason that I can apply for programs that run when schools are not in session. I can learn in more semesters meaning I will utilize time effectively and efficiently. The transfer is the best chance for me to achieve all my ambitions since it is in line with the objectives that I have set in life. I need an upgrade in my academic life which will mean I will earn higher grades.

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Life is also progressive and thus my ambition to have a bachelor degree is not limited; I plan to have a master’s degree that will add to my academic achievements. For me the sky is the limit I plan to achieve the highest level of education and contribute greatly to growth and development. However, this can only be achieved only through a conducive environment. On my part, I am determined and visionary in all I do and always aim to be better not just nationally but internationally. Granting me this transfer will present a life time chance for me to transform my life to be the best.

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