Custom «Novel» Essay Paper Sample


"Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley is a book whose romance is at a minimum. Victor's mother on her deathbed expressed her desire for her son to marry Elizabeth, a desire that does not happen until much later. Romance lacked when the reason for him to marry Elizabeth was her requesting him to leave her and be with the woman that he loved because she thought that she was the cause of his sorrows.

"The Sorrows of Young Werther" is a book by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe that echoes a lot of romance. Werther who is the main character fell in love with a girl named Charlotte. This was a forbidden love owing to her engagement to another man. This led to his departure, after a while, he return to find them happily married, and with children. This was a constant reminder that she was not to be his.

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Elizabeth is patient and loving. She always took the time to write to Victor and inform him of what was going on. Among her best qualities was her selflessness, she advised Victor to marry the one he found to love. Her role bore a lot of suspense, leaving the readers asking themselves what would happen to her. She also played a fragile role, from being an orphan girl to becoming a sweet and responsible woman.

Charlotte comes out as a very strong willed woman who when she was young, took care of her fellow siblings after her mother died. In addition, she decided not to be seeing Werther frequently for the sake of her marriage. Charlotte represented the conflict that Werther went through. She was his reason for living, and without her, death was Werther's only option.

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Victor failed to achieve happiness with Elizabeth because he had too much going on in his mind. He was afraid of what his creation would do to his loved ones and when he finally married her, she was murdered. Werther on the other hand did not have a chance at being happy with Charlotte because she already belonged to another man and Victor wanted to either have her or have nothing at al.

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