Custom «1001 Nights» Essay Paper Sample

1001 Nights

Humanity is prone to grave mistakes, but forgiveness provides a leeway to a bright future. The characters in 'The story of the porter and the ladies of Baghdad' show how difficult it is for one to forgive, but eventually endorse forgiveness by embracing it. Though grievous circumstances do not befall them by choice, the characters have an option of holding on to the injustices committed unto them or letting go. The ladies of Baghdad and the Khalifeh set the perfect precedence to the statement by accepting to let go. This ultimately protracts redemption and restoration of prosperity amongst people ridden with scars of unjust events to which they have been victims of.

Forgiveness comes at a cost. The ensuing prosperity is hinged on the calm fostered by forgiveness. The ladies of Baghdad replicate this when they alter their strict demands and opt to speak out to their guests whom they had ordered not to question them. This orchestrates revelations of the mysteries that surround their lives with wealth and marriage getting the centre stage. The first lady narrates how her handsome lover and her wealth made her sisters envious to a point in which they attempted to drown them. The second lady talks of a possessive husband who reaps her wealth and disposes of her. Ostensibly, the man in question is the son of the Khalifeh, El-Emin. The issue of time comes in to play and therefore it can be endorsed that it takes time for wounds to heal.

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The essence of an outsider to facilitate the reconciliation and healing process cannot be understated. The outsider brings about a dimension of replica situation that ought to have been charged for excess punishment. The Khalifeh offers the ladies a life line. The royal mendicants get a wife from the bitches and one of the ladies while the first lady is restored as the wife of El-Emin. The second lady is taken in by the Khalifeh as his mistress. This is not without the intervention of the Jinnee who had ordered the caning of the bitches. Her entrance saves the situation and the mysteries behind each story are unraveled.

To conclude, it is imperative to point out the objectivity of the stories. Though they can be focused on as cultural depots, they should be applauded for their moral teachings. The stories are a perfect reflection of the Islam religion, kinship ties, wealth, marriage and leadership in the society at the time of publication. Their validity is endorsed by the teaching they carry especially about the dangers of jealousy, deceit and injustice; all of which have been over rid by forgiveness.

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