Custom «The Controversies Surrounding the Discovery of "Kennewick Man"» Essay Paper Sample

The Controversies Surrounding the Discovery of

Found on July 1996, on the banks of River Columbia, Washington, the remains of Kennewick Man have been surrounded by lots of controversies since the discovery was made public. The skeletons of this 40-50 year old man were found with almost all the bone. It is estimated that the skeletons were between 5650 to 9510 years old. For its age, it was shocking to notice that its teeth did not have any cavity in a corn eating region but were ground (Haviland 2007).

The controversies that made the skeleton a worldwide celebrity and a whole nine year law clash between the Native American, government and the scientists. Native American claimed that Kennewick Man was their ancestor; government on the other had tried to implement Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. Scientist wanted to hold the remains and carried several tests to prove the remains were not a Native American. Scientists said found out that it was impossible to tell not only the race of the remains, but extremely impossible to find its exact society (Thomas, 2001). With Native Americans wanting to give the remains traditional burial, several rulings were made. Any time one lost the case it was appealed until the scientists finally won on the grounds of the remains being not compatibles with any community, and that present technology could not enable any genetic establishments.

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I would investigate the issue because of the scientific knowledge it brings and concerns it brings related to rights of Native Americans (Mihesuah, 2000). It also points on the failed attempts of the government to implements its laws.

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