Custom «Entrepreneurship» Essay Paper Sample


A significant connection exists between my passion in politics, economic, entrepreneurship and my goal to enroll in the Master of Management Studies in Duke Fuqua. There are many interests that characterize the goals that I have set to achieve, both in the short and the long run. First, I have a great passion for economics chiefly because of its influence on the people’s quality of life. More specifically, I am a great follower of Ron Paul, an economist who believes that economic failures and recessions roots from bad politics. On the other hand, I have a great passion for entrepreneurial activities, and I am always committed to identifying and seize them at every opportune. With intent of enrolling, in the Masters of Management Studies, I see an opportunity to build on my degree in management not to mention an opening to prepare myself to meet these goals. Because of these reasons, I am confident that I am well-prepared and qualified to enroll and succeed at the Fuqua Business School.

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Current economic hurdles have exposed the delicate nature of world economics and their inter-independence. With interest, economics, I have had a great interest in how economics influences our lives and vice versa. More specifically, my interest has been drawn on the intricate balance between governance and economics. With my admission into the Fuqua business school, I see an opportunity for me to acquire skills and tools that will improve my understanding of economics, along with the variables that influence it. On a broader sense, the course will equip me with the ability to monitor and provide local solutions to correct poor economic trends that have negative effects on society. To succeed in this goal, I am confident that I will focus on my academics while taking the program, with my focus being on the economic perspective of the course. Ultimately, I intend to draw significant leadership skills and traits that will bolster my ability to provide good leadership and meaningful economic solution after graduation from this program. With proper leadership in business, I am confident of driving business performances to greater heights, while at the same time protecting investors and their business interest, as well.

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Entrepreneurship is also another area of great interest to me. The notion of running a successful business has been my goal since my undergraduate years. True enough, I co-founded a number of new websites with a friend of mine who works as a journalist. With much success in running this business as a human resource and administrative personnel, I am more motivated to grow these skills by exploiting the curriculum of the program once I am admitted at Fuqua. With a goal of increasing the size of our existing business, I see the Masters of Management Studies a perfect opportunity for me to reinforce my innovativeness and ingenuity in business. Equally important, I am positive that my current skills will give me a solid grasp of the course, and a foundation for me to build and excel in the course.

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Economics and entrepreneurship are two of my interests that blend well with my goals. With my acceptance into the program, I am confident that these interests will help me achieve meaningful economic gains will guide me towards using this course to create innovative solutions to economic challenges and problems. As a student, driven by passion for excellence and hard work, my tenure at Fuqua business school will go a long way in preparing me to provide better leadership in the business circle. This is my long-term goal that will be made possible upon your acceptance of my applications and my competition of the course thereafter. Nonetheless, I am interested to achieve academic gains in the course and thereafter horn my entrepreneurial skills. Because of the current businessthatI run, my goal is to build a successive business empire that will attest to the innovativeness and suitability of the program offered by your school. With these goals, I look forward to being accepted into your esteemed community at Fuqua business school and be part of your goal of your success story.

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