Custom «Burberry Fashion» Essay Paper Sample

Burberry Fashion

The website showcases the expansion of Burberry fashion brand into the market of Asia. The brand’s expansion strategy explores the use of technology through live streaming of their apparel and models from a natural setting. The fashion house brings a new concept into light that is focused on enhancing the digital experience of its viewers and has been branded as the 360 view digital experience. The main aim of the creator is to arouse the customer’s emotions towards the brand.

Looking at the technique explored by the designer, the technique used by upcoming designer can be used to promote new ideas, concepts, and designs in new cultural contexts. In this website, the designer moves away from the traditional fashion show techniques by elevating the target customers experience through arousal of their emotions. Hong Kong is a business city that thrives on the use of technology and reflects a heavy western fashion preference. Walking on the streets of Hong Kong, one will notice the heavy presence of foreign fashion brands, especially among members of the corporate world. In this regard, the approach adequately complements the occupational and cultural traits of this society.

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I have attended a fashion show dubbed “fabric and nature” in which the theme focused on promoting environmental awareness and during this time there was a general concern and positive towards environmental friendly initiatives in Hong Kong. The event was extremely successfully because of the positive attachment established with the target customers at the time. This knowledge can be used in future events to inspire new dimensions that are focused on nature. Finally, improvements that can be made include choosing settings in Hong Kong e.g. streets.

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