Custom «The Ford Motor Corporation» Essay Paper Sample

The Ford Motor Corporation

The Ford Motor Company is an American Automaker and besides that, it is the fifth largest automaker in the world basing on the sales of vehicles worldwide. Henry Ford was the founder of the Ford Motor Company and it eventually became incorporated on the 16th of June 1903. Founded by the owner at 40 years, the company has gone ahead to become one of the largest and profitable business organizations in the world and it is among the few that survived the Great Depression. The Ford Motor Company is the largest company in the world and for over 100 years the company has been in continual control of the family.

One of the legal issues and obstacles that the Ford Motor Company could encounter could arise from slave labor. For instance, a Belgian woman sued the Ford Motor Company and its German Affiliate seeking disgorgement of unfair profits and reasonable payments for work done. Cases of unpaid labor could arise. Under such circumstances the employees of the company may decide to sue it for low payments and non-payments of various allowances. Economic recession could also negatively affect the company making the sales of cars abroad to falter drastically and thus affect the company’s profitability. The Ford Motor Company could also face issues related to quality, whereby the Company’s clients may opt to sue the company for any substandard products sold to them (Cayton, et al, 2010).

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Laws which could be Broken as a Result of the Legal Issues and Obstacles Faced by the Ford Motor Company

Some of the laws which could be broken as a result of the legal issues and obstacles which are faced by the Ford Motor Corporation include the labor laws which stipulate that an employee should work for a specific period of time. The Ford Motor Company may break such laws during the employment of casual workers who may work beyond the stipulated 8 hour period and thus the Company may be sued for breaking such federal laws.

The United Automobile Workers (UAW) is an example of a workers union in the Ford Motor Company which can be used to press for the rights of workers regarding remuneration and other problems.

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An organization can be able to benefit in various ways when it joins a union. This is because its employees can use a collective power to press for their rights and thus leading to greater enjoyment and privileges. By joining a union, an organization can be in a better position to address the problems facing it in a group rather than on an individual basis. The union bargaining power enables employees to be in a better position to press for their rights like for instance better working conditions and a salary increment. The union bargaining power is capable of ensuring that an organization satisfies and addresses the problems faced by its employees. A union is an essential tool that can be used by employees within any given organization like the Ford Motor Corporation to press for their rights from the organization.  

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How the Ford Motor Corporation can Minimize Possible Litigation

In order to minimize possible litigation, the Ford Motor Corporation should operate within the stipulated laid down regulations of the state. For instance, the company should pay its employees the recommended wages and salaries in order to avoid possible lawsuits by its employees who may feel oppressed by the company. The company should also strive to make quality products which will ensure that its products cannot be recalled due to being substandard. Possible litigation will be avoided if the Ford Motor Company strives to always do the right thing at the right time and ensure that both its employees’ and clients’ needs are met to satisfaction. By so doing, no lawsuits will be filed against it. 

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