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Undertaking Small Business Planning

Mt.Himalaya’s Safaris: A Travel and Tour Company is an organization that will specialize in the medium sized and escorted tours for the clients who are adventurous enough to cruise the rugged Mt Himalaya’s terrain. It will be operating from two angles for the sake of better serving the clients all around the nation. One branch shall be located in the capital city while the second branch shall be located at the foot of the Central and Upper Eastern Tourism Circuit headquarters in Malaysia.

            The employees and the members on board will generally be the most experienced in the country’s history and in addition to this, they are travelers who have considerable experience in tours and travel field. They are very knowledgeable and are more so capable and passionate regarding the services that Mt Himalaya’s safaris shall be offering and promoting.

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            The travel and tour sector in the country has been and is still growing and due to this, the Mt Himalaya’s safaris Company shall be focusing on the niche market of the luxury travelling. The basic and main customers shall be individuals as well as couples. Furthermore, the Company will target affinity groups with high incomes; these groups travel at least two times annually. With the target of finding out an ultimate travel experience, the targeted clients shall be demanding the finest quality behaviors and accommodations together with the finer echelon of services as well. This company shall have a competitive advantage on top of the other organizations operating in the same market through the provision of medium sizes yet more inclusive tour packages that shall facilitate the availing of personal services to the clients by the hosts.

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            Mt Himalaya’s safaris: Travel and Tour Company shall be able to grow this opportunity through direct contact with the potential clients and the sophisticated travel agencies whose customers do eye the same market as ours. On top of this, specialist interests and interactive all the time service website shall too be used to nature the niche into adulthood. The organization has all the technological needs taken care of for the sole purpose of ensuring the needs of the clients shall never be hindered by anything related to technology. The managers are people with high caliber and experience in the travel as well as luxury guidance and the high net individual’s personal service provision skills. They are also able to give out travel destinations chronological information in addition to the local languages skills of usage.

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            For the purpose of broadening the market share and increasing the recognition of the brand, the medium sized luxury tour packages shall be taken to the market at subsidized costs that shall be way below the existing market rates. Due to this, the diminutive term operating turnover precincts are projected to be average at mid range. After successful establishment of loyal clients and recognition of the brand, the company shall be allowed to hike the prices of what they do present to the market hence it is hoped that the revenues shall go up.

Mission and objectives

            The mission of Mt Himalaya’s safaris is the provision of unique and deluxe tours and the experiences in travel for a niche market of patrons astute, which most probably would result to their happiness, which is only proven by their repeated bookings in addition to favorable comments that they do give back.

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1)      The organizations targets to achieve immense sales during it initial year in operations and this shall be followed slowly by reasonable increases in the years to come. This will be able to correspond to the profitability increases within the operating duration.

2)      To develop the Mt.Himalaya’s safaris brands with the aim of facilitating customer withholding and maintenance of a reasonable mind share as well as the increment of pricing power.

3)      The company aims at creating premeditated alliances with national and international service providers. Furthermore, the company shall seek the services of other related professionals with the aim of creating more channels for sales.  

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4)      Provisions and the production of the premier level client contentment in relation to their expectations from the industry.

Products and services

This company does seek to outline itself as a special entity in the luxury sector as far as travel is concerned in addition to the exceptional services they offer recognition and their anticipation for the needs and desires of the clients. It is commonly taken that an efficiently handled operation as well as the smartness of the members on board will enable the service perceivers to enjoy the product. The ones who are giving the services too will enjoy the familiarity and the artifact as well. This shall lead to the satisfaction of all the involved parties as far as the professionalism of the Mt.Himalaya’s safaris service provision is put on stake. Offering the first class services at Mt.Himalaya’s safaris shall be our skeleton on which we are going to be basing our daily undertakings.

Regulations affecting operations

  1. Labor laws( Duty of care, Occupiers, liability)
  2. Tourism business licensing act
  3. Environmental laws and regulations
  4. Tour operators and accrediting regulations
  5. Acts of parliament on responsible and realistic development of touristic facilities
  6. International regulations and standardization of tourism services


The company shall finance itself through the borrowing of loans and partners contribution. The partners shall be required to make significant capital towards the inception of the business. Other finances shall be gotten from the reinvesting the profits and other miscellaneous incomes.

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Marketing plan

The likely methods of marketing are (White, 2000):

  1. Advertising: Clothing such as T-shirts shall be given to the operators and tour hosts and to the loyal customers of the organization.
  2. Brochures shall be emailed to the potential clients.
  3. Occasional, clients shall be offered complementary journeys. 

            Well designed and with content brochures will be used to deliver to the clients the packages that are offered by the organization. They do depict the price and the terms of conditions that are attached to each itinerary as well. Some brochures shall be emailed to the clients through the travel agencies while others shall be used as campaign and sales promotional aids. This organization shall all the time be ready to give additional information of their clients through the website in a continuous pattern. From the website, one can be able to get any information that is paramount to their search more so about the itineraries, their dates, and prices amongst other valuable information such as details regarding how to make reservations.

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OHS and duty of care plans

Occupational, health and safety measures shall be out in place to safeguard the employees of the company and its clients (White, 2000). The issuing of reasonable dress codes and how to plan for acclimatization’s shall be outlined in the company policies and plan. More over, The Company will be;

  1. Informing the clients way in advance of the associated risks as they partake the tours
  2. Imposing compulsory insurance policies for those undertaking the tours
  3. Having in place the warning signs in perilous regions and positions in the respective itinerary
  4. Pin pointing to the clients that the choice of partaking a tour is purely individual based and signing of the contract and buying of the packages is a justification that the clients has voluntarily assumed the associated risks.

The risk management strategies

a)      Market Segmentation and targeting of the luxury travelers contained by the larger market of tours and travel.

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b)      Positioning and the promotions of the Mt.Himalaya’s safaris as the preferred operator of the travel segment in the general industrial sector.

c)      Through personal relations, the media as well as various branding roles the Mt.Himalaya’s safaris shall be able to communicate its exclusive aspects and eminence of their tour packages.

d)      The development of the replicate commerce; this will be achieved through the creation of a base full of the steadfast and fulfilled consumers.

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